Sketch Trio

Lately I’ve been working on a lot of private freelance – hence I don’t have a ton of finished art to post. So I decided to at least post a few recent doodles form my sketchbook. The first is a rough for a bookmark I’m thinking about printing. The other two are just random.













I had an idea for a shirt the other night and had to quickly scribble it down before I forgot!  That’s how Pukeface was born!  It may possibly be my favorite shirt design to date!


















If you like it as much as I do – go vote for it to be printed on a shirt at Threadless! It will only be up for 7 days, so don’t delay! VOTE NOW!

Puke Face - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

I love Pin-ups!

Threadless is having a pin-up competition right now, so I decided to see what I could do. I had a concept, but I knew I had to get the face just right before I started anything else, so I worked on that first.

Once I got the drawing where I wanted it, I put it on my new large lightbox and drew an overlay of all the crazy tattoos. That way it’s easier to scan in and adjust separately in Photoshop.

Hope you like it!

Vote NOW! Click this link to vote for it to be printed on a shirt!

Tats - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More