Haunted Legs – NOT SAFE YET!

NOTSAFEThe Haunted Legs Kickstarter project is only 3 days away from finishing and even though it LOOKS like we have successfully funded the project there is still a possibility that the goal will not be reached and no books will be printed, here’s why:

Kickstarter is ALL or NOTHING.  If you don’t meet your monetary goal you do not receive any funds to produce the product (makes sense because I can’t print the books without the seed money anyway).

So how can we lose enough money to drop below 100%? There are two ways.  First, some people seem to get cold feet and back out of their pledge if looks like it will actually be funded.  I knew about this and I have been told to expect a little of this toward the end.

BUT, I have recently been told that after the project ends, and credit cards are actually charged for the pledges, that there is another percentage of payments I can expect not to go through (declined cards I guess).  What scares me about this second method is that if enough money is not collected that my funding drops below $5,000, then I will get nothing at all.  So essentially the project could end next Monday being fully funded, and then some of the credit cards are declined and it sabotages the project for EVERYONE.  Obviously that would be a major bummer.

In general I think things are looking pretty good, but since there is no “safe zone” I think the bigger cushion we have above the goal the better!  If you are thinking about backing the project but have been holding off, or you want to upgrade your reward level NOW IS THE TIME!

Send the link to friends, tell your colleagues about it!  Let’s do ONE LAST PUSH!

Thanks for all your help everyone!

Kickstarter final push!


Hey Everyone!  My Kickstarter project is now at 90% funding!  Only $500 left to raise before the project gets the green light and I can move forward!  I haven’t just been sitting on my behind, however.  As you backers have been adding up, I have been working hard to finalize some artwork – here’s a sneak peek at some of the colored pages!

Help the project reach the goal HERE!


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Thanks for getting me this far!