A few months back Threadless (a t-shirt company in Chicago) invited me to develop a line of shirt designs to be part of their spotlight on Portland. The time has finally come for the launch! Threadless is heading out to Portland and will be having an AWESOME launch party for me and three other Portland artists! They will have a DIY screen printing station, be serving tamales, free booze*, and I will be doing a piece of art live that they will raffle off at the end of the night! It promises to be a fun 😀
The event is FREE – but space is limited so you have to sign up for tickets – If you are interested in coming click the link below! I’d love to see you there, the venue looks sweet!
When: Friday, Feb 22nd, 2013 at 8:00pm-12:00am
Where: UnionPine
Hope to see you there! 😀 – ALSO – feel free to pass it on to anyone you think might be interested! Space is limited to 400!